Thursday, September 20, 2012

To Top Off A Great Day .. And Start Another One

After we left the shipyard we checked into our home for the night, The Day's Inn, (one of the very few in the Bellvue area that still had rooms available - more about that later) and rested up from our hectic morning. Then we joined our niece and her family and Linda's cousin and his wife for dinner at an exceptionally good seafood restaurant, Chinook's at Salmon Bay. Located in the Seattle 'Fisherman's Terminal' this fantastic eating spot had not only some of the best seafood I have had anywhere, the prices were remarkably modest. Believe me, if you get to eat out at least once in Seattle, make it Chinook's!!! As we chatted over dinner we were blessed with one of those serendipitous events that are so wonderful when they happen you can't believe your good fortune. Linda's cousin and his wife both work at Microsoft and they invited us to tour the Renton complex!! So, the next morning we packed up, loaded our trusty Caravan and headed for 'the house that Gates built.' Here the cousins pause for a photo op!

Arriving at Microsoft we discovered that it was an absolutely enormous place with literally tens of thousands of employees whose backgrounds, nationalities, races and characteristics spanned the entire spectrum of humankind.

Arriving at lunchtime we visited the area known as "The Commons" where we were astonished to find more places to eat than you can find in most medium-sized cities!! We all sampled different cuisine and unanimously pronounced every single item 'spectacular.'. Then it was on to our tour.

Folks, the things we saw and learned about Microsoft proved to us, beyond a doubt, that the company not only has one of the finest work-forces ever assembled but they are acutely aware of what they have and are dedicated to nurturing and rewarding them.

The campus is a masterpiece of architectural excellence adorned with the most amazing landscaping, athletic facilities and artwork you could hope to find on the most prestigious university grounds. Our Great-Niece paused briefly to hang out with some pretty sinister-looking guys!!

The displays, historical items and whimsical devices that abound everywhere make it seem like a 'fantasy land come true!'. Even in the Company Store (which, by the way, housed virtually every computer related accessory you could dream of) had it's own unique item ... the 'chopper' from "Gears of War."

Oh! And we saw what I thought was a painting or a tapestry of some sort. It was beautiful!!

As we got closer I saw that it was a sculpture made from SPOOLS OF THREAD!! I'm not going to attempt to describe them in detail. They are just too spectacular. I'll provide you with an appetizer but, believe me, we've got tons more to share when we get the chance. But, we had "... miles to go before we sleep..." (hmmm, plagiarism works!) so we turned eastward toward this old guy.

We'll close with that spectacular sight but we'll be back before you know it. See ya.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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