Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday Morning In The Presence Of Miracles

Hey Gang!!!

It's absolutely amazing how our lives continue to be so richly blessed with treasures!!! We have the greatest friends anyone could hope for - and then, God comes along and says ... "Well, how about if I let you and your buds in on some inside secrets?? Then, He opens this incredible storehouse of riches that is the world we live in and allows us to experience, first hand, His incomparable handiwork.

From the time we arose this morning we have moved through a panoply of miracles and we've gotta share them with you.

Leaving our hotel In Port Angeles we headed almost due south onto "Hurricane Ridge" and became immediately immersed in this beautiful environment.

Alder, Larch, Spruce and hardwoods of all kinds blanket the lower slopes and even though most are still in their summer duds you can already see a hint of the fall fashions to come. Of course we had to spend some time at the Olympic National Forest Visitor's Center, getting our passport stamped - and getting to use our spectacular 'Senior's Golden Park Pass' - and, naturally, the first people we met were from Pawley's Island SC!!" Then, it was on to the top of the ridge and some of the most spectacular sights imaginable.

Decisions, decisions!!! We've got a lot of ground to cover before we stop for the night and it's tough trying to decide what to try for. We really wanted to try hiking in to see the beautiful Sol Duc Falls but opted, instead to head for the northwestern most point in the contiguous U. S., Cape Flattery - with a Sunday picnic along the way.
So, it was back off the ridge and westward on highway 112, right along the Strait of San Juan de Fuca which marks the boundary between the US and Vancouver Island.

Our picnic was GREAT, with a main course of the Colonel's finest and a setting you couldn't buy with a million bucks.

Then, it was on through Clallum Bay, Seiku and Neah Bay, home of the Makah Native American tribe, and out on to an unbelievably beautiful point. It truly cannot be adequately described with words.

I'll close for now so I can get this posted but there's a lot more to come. Hang in there with us!!! See ya.

The National Parks Service has done

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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