Monday, September 24, 2012

A SCTravelers Reunion

OK gang, I promised we would explain some kinda cryptic comments we've made lately - so we will. Remember a while back that I said we wanted to be 'presentable' when we got to Banff? And yesterday when we said we were on a 'mission?'. Well we have dedicated this trip to our former traveling buddy, Lou Gray and we planned to have a memorial celebration of her time with us when we get to Lake Louise. Leaving Kananaskis and heading farther into the heart of the Canadian Rockies we were increasingly aware that we had, indeed, come to a spiritual place.

As we moved beyond the broad valley west of Calgary, the mountains rose to greet us and to underscore the realization that .... " being humble ain't hard when you're riding through God's back yard."

There is so much cool stuff we want to share with you that it is really frustrating trying to decide what all to include!!!!! Anyway - we continued northward and cruised into Banff in the early afternoon.

First things first, of course, we had to do some open-mouth, golly-gee-whiz sightseeing and some shopping. Check this store. Think they got their seasons turned around??

Then, we checked into our lodging for the evening and got ready for our memorial ceremony.

We saddled back up for the short trip to Lake Louise and hopped back onto the Trans-Canada Highway. I Am proud of the excellent highways we enjoy in the States but our sisters and brothers to the north can be justifiably proud of this gorgeous road too.

They are presently well into a huge, multi-year project to wide the T.C.H. from Alberta through British Columbia and with the stunning scenery along the way it is really fun to travel.

A caution, though, it is truly a MOUNTAIN highway. As we proceeded toward Lake Louise in the late afternoon sunshine we reflected on our buddy Lou and recounted the many ways she had brought joy to us and others. We reached the turn-off and made our way north to the lake. We'll close for now so we can devote a whole post to our visit with Lou. See ya!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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