Thursday, September 27, 2012

Heading To Meet The Sun

In Seattle, early comes the same way it does in metropolitan Ridgeway, S. C. ... early!!! Although we were used to getting started pretty quickly while we were on the road, having to rise at 3:45 a.m. was a bit much. To top it off, the alarm on the clock in our room was absolutely the most obnoxious sound I have ever heard - other than when I was in boot camp and was awakened to the sound of a night stick being vigorously rattled around the inside of a metal trash can. Seriously, that thing sounded like the "dive-alarm" on a WWII submarine.

But - it did the trick and we staggered down to the lobby in time to catch the 5:00 a.m. shuttle to Seatac International. I guess we got through security OK (I was still asleep). When it's that early and you have to pretty much partially dis-robe, get your picture taken in a big machine and get fondled by someone who is definitely not your type it sorta starts your day off on a different note. But, we made it to the gate and eventually boarded the plane for glamorous Cleveland, our interim stop along the way. It was still way early when we taxied out for take-off and it was very foggy. In the past, leaving Seattle has always been exciting because we usually have had the good fortune to get a good look at Mt. Ranier as we were making the turn eastward. I was kinda sad the fog would prevent a sighting today because of the great time we had there on our trip. We roared away through the fog and started our ascent, continuing southward a bit longer than usual - I assume to find better visibility - and by the time we turned west the sun had begun to turn the hazy sky pink. We made a slight turn and all at once we were given this magnificent gift.

Mount Saint Helens, her blast-torn peak bathed in sunlight stood to tell us goodbye!!! I can't tell you how powerful that image was for me. I have hoped to get a good look at that old gal the last several times we have been in the northwest but was never that lucky. In fact, one of the main reasons I wanted to travel from Seattle to Wenatchee via Highway 12 was to try to see her but, as you now know, the smoke from the forest fires eliminated any chance. So this was an extraordinary treat. Then, as if to underscore the experience and permanently put it in the book of miracles for me, another slight turn added two more of my all-time favorites to the picture!!!

Mount Adams (to the left) and, way down in Oregon, Mount Hood (on the right) joined St. Helens to wish us Godspeed on our trip. I mean, all you can say about that is ...... "WOW!!" So, it was on through "...the friendly skies" and, eventually back to the Queen City. Our bags were just about the first ones out on the luggage carrousel and we actually found our car on the first attempt!!! Although it's usual rush-hour self (jammed), I-77 didn't seem too threatening and the miles slipped by with all of us lost in memories of this great experience. Soon we were pulling in the driveway and sitting there as if to form a proper welcoming committee were three deer and ... the cat!!! Sherwood headed back to Columbia and we began the task of re-entering reality. You guys have, again, been the greatest of traveling companions and we hate to end this great trip. But we'll be back with new adventures before you know it. Count on it!!! See ya!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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