Sunday, September 23, 2012

Calgary Stampede ... Whoa!!!

Well, with Linda and Sherwood alternating navigator and pilot duties we blasted out of British Columbia and into Alberta and through some truly awesome scenery. As we have proceeded northward the hardwoods have subtly donned their fall garb and increasingly display vivid yellows, oranges and reds. Dominant among them, though, are the magnificent golden colors of the Aspens. They have long been my favorite among the mountain dwellers - perhaps because they shine so vividly and powerfully, but for such a brief time-span. Kinda reminds one of so many other things that shine brightly but then are gone. Sigh ... Treasure 'em while ya got 'em!!

They aren't at their peak yet but we hope you get the flavor of this beautiful province.  Entering the home of the Calgary Stampede and proud host of the Winter Olympics we headed for our home for the evening. Most of the way to the hotel we traveled along a road that served as a constant reminder of the diverse heritage found here - "Crowchild Trail."

This is a huge city but they seem to have managed to retain the cleanliness and charm of much smaller places. Still, the architecture of the massive skyscrapers reminds us of it's energy and progressiveness.

The Olympic Village and the site of the Alpine Events looks a bit forlorn without it's winter coat but the light chill in the air lets you know it won't be long before it will be fully covered once again. The pics we got do show something very interesting. Seems that the fellow who did the planning worked for literally years to ensure he understood the mandatory I.O.C. requirements and to find just the right location. Shortly before the games, however, an environmental group successfully lobbied to have the location changed. When the I.O.C. was told about the change the planner was informed that the slopes he had selected for the downhill events was now too low. Consequently, thousands of tons of rock and soil were trucked in to build the slopes that are so obviously 'man-made' as they now appear.  At one time or another we have all probably read about the famous 'Rendezvous' that was started in Calgaryby the French Trappers and their Aboriginal pals - later enthusiastically joined by their American counterparts - where they gathered to let off steam, party hearty and engage in some of the wildest competitions imaginable. That's how this great place got it's start!!! If you want to know more about that era I heartily recommend James Michener's "Centennial."

Although, as Michener's books usually do, Centennial encompasses eons of time and countless characters, you get a good view of life in that exciting time - among some of history's most fascinating characters.

As cool as it would be for me to be able to tell you we were visiting an Aboriginal village, I would be fibbing. The above pic actually shows a Casino!! But, at least it is owned by an Aboriginal family!!! It's a place we saw as we were leaving Calgary headed for the beautiful village at Lake Kananaskis. (In case you're wondering how to pronounce that - as we were- we were told ... "It's a question to which the response is ...'No, but an ass can bray!!" if you have trouble figuring it out, write or call.)

Kananaskis is the site of an incredibly beautiful lodge and a huge outdoor activity complex. The location is nothing short of amazing.

We had a really great visit and can't say enough about the lodge and surrounding area but we are on a mission so we wanted to get on up to Banff. We'll explain the mission in our next post but, for now, we'll leave with the promise that there is a lot more to come. See ya!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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