Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And Once In Tacoma .....

OK gang, we got the day kicked off with a trip to Washington's lovely State Capitol but we were rushing to meet up with some folks in Tacoma so we couldn't tarry. We had gotten a special invitation we wanted to share with you!!! Our niece's husband is one of the fearless guys who make their living in the cold waters of the Bering Straits. He is building the newest addition to their fleet and invited us to visit the construction site for a sneak preview of "The Northern Leader". When complete it will be the largest 'long-line' fishing vessel in the world.

The folks who are building the ship are simply fantastic and are making shipbuilding history with many of their innovations. Pictures of "The Leader" decorate the office and they are in impressive company - the walls are filled with pictures of scores of vessels, dating back to the 1800s - built by Joe Martinac and his family.

They are also on the cutting edge of 'green technology' and may soon help our defense system take the 'next step.'

Our gutsy crew donned our hard hats and goggles and waded into the exciting clamor of the yards.

I was incredibly proud of our brave bunch. Walking alongside cavernous holds and precipitous heights was quite a test and all came through with flying colors.

We crawled over, under and through some perilous spots but there's no stopping this fearless band.

It was certainly a morning to remember and what we learned about the technological marvels the ship will have was just stunning. This will truly be a floating marvel when it is launched and we hope to be on hand for that event!!! There was more to come on another great traveling day but I'm going to try to get this out there so you can join us. We'll be back with more soon! See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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