Monday, September 17, 2012

The Meaning of Awesome

That last post was incredibly hard because of the difficulty we had deciding which pictures to include!! Following past trips we've tried to combine everyone's photos into a movie that shows what we did in more detail. We have five or six - so if you ever want to see them, we'd love to share.

Our lodging for the next couple of days will be the Ramada in Ocean Shores and it is truly excellent. The staff are great and our adjoining rooms have all the comforts of home!! (And, boy!! did we get a deal on rates?!!) One of the great desk clerks mapped out an itinerary for us that will take us to a wide variety of settings. One of the first spots was a quick side trip to the beach.

Then, it was on to Lake Quinault and the Quinault National Forest - which happens to be a segment of the extensive rain forest found on the Olympic Peninsula. We stopped to update our NPS Passport and take a stroll down to beautiful Cascade Falls - nestled in a beautiful mossy glen.

Then, on down the road to visit the world's largest Spruce tree.

The forest is also home to an astonishing number of "world's firsts" in the tree department but we opted to move on toward the famed "Hoh Rain Forest" and Ruby Beach.

As we proceeded northward we decided to stop at beautiful Kalaloch Lodge for lunch. Talk about "a room with a view!!!" the entire coast of the Olympic Peninsula looks like a work of art - which I suppose it is in it's own way. We took some photos of the shoreline just below the lodge - including one that includes a neat rose-covered fence.

While it is frustrating not being able to show you everything we've seen I'm going to go ahead and try to get this posted. We'll be back soon. See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Quinault Rain Forest

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