Saturday, September 15, 2012

Colorado Rocky Mountain High

As we wing our way westward I thought I'd fill you in on our itinerary. (Of course with us that remains very fluid!!). First, for those of you who have traveled with us before, you might have noticed a new "Traveler". Our son Rick joined us this time so he could spend some time with his cousins in Washington state. We plan to begin this adventure in Seattle and then take the ferry over to Port Townsend. From there we'll head west to Port Angeles. On Sunday morning we will begin exploring the Olympic Peninsula and the extraordinarily diverse ecosystems there - including the more than one million acre Olympic National Park and one of the planet's few 'temperate rain forests'. We will be on the lookout for lots of creatures and will try to make sure we share them with you. Along the way we plan to visit the small town of 'Forks, WA', the setting for the movie and book series "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer - so if any of you are 'vampire aficionados' we'll keep an eye out for them!! (Unfortunately, if I remember correctly, I don't think you can take a picture of a vampire so we won't be able to share any photos of them with you. sorry!!) We will spend some time exploring and eventually wind up on the remote coast at Ocean Shores, WA. From there we'll head back eastward and will have some surprises for you. Stay tuned!!! For now, though, we'll check out the incredible scenery flowing beneath us and try to get some pics to share with you. Here's one shot Linda got as we crossed Missouri.

We'll be back with more.

OK - now we're in Denver and I'm going to send this post before we head out again. Unfortunately, we couldn't get any pics of the Rockies from the airport because of smoke from nearby fires. We're still anxious about family folks in Washington and this was a heavy duty reminder. Anyway, here are a couple of shots. We'll check back in from beautiful Washington. See ya!

PS - When we got into the airport we saw these two guys ... (look closely at the top rail) waiting for a "flight?"


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:The "spacious skies" headed for "purple mountain majesties."

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