Sunday, September 16, 2012

Seattle and Beyond

As we approached Seattle we again saw the awesome Cascade Mountains with their centerpiece, Mount Ranier.

The view as we approached the mountains was as awesome as ever but we also got a good look at something that has been on our minds very much in recent days.

Rick got this shot of the enormous fire threatening folks in the Wenatchee valley. We'll be headed that way in a few days. Fortunately, everyone is safe and out of harm's way now. We landed in Seattle, picked up our 'trusty steed' for this journey, and headed for the port of Edmonds for the ferry to Kingston on the Olympic peninsula.

After a short wait we loaded up and got underway for a brief, but delightful cruise across the Puget Sound and into Appletree Cove which shelters the port of Kingston.

It is amazing what beautiful sights we have happened upon. Here are a few that greeted us as we neared shore.

Then, it was on to Port Angeles for the night. We'll check in tomorrow with more. See ya!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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