Saturday, September 29, 2012


When we got ready to do a recap of our trip to the Pacific Northwest I started looking back at our posts and began to wonder if they weren't a bit top heavy on the superlatives.

There certainly was no shortage of "awesomes,"
"incredibles" or "amazings!!" And, yes, our ol' buddy the exclamation point gets his share of duty too. So, that got me to thinking about what they mean.

As I pondered I began to realize that the words that seem to jump into our language like that - what we refer to as superlatives - are little 'pieces of emotion' that have to chime in when we are describing something that touches our soul in such a special way that we literally feel it - physically - inside.

I noticed that it was not an isolated phenomenon; all three of us seem to do the same thing. So then I started looking at some of the places we had been and things we had seen and I decided that each sight had definitely earned (and stimulated) those words. As I thought about all this, and considered what things were capable of bringing out such feelings I was struck with an amazing realization.

Yes, the sight of soaring mountain peaks, waves crashing along a craggy coastline or an immense tree bring them out in us - but so do the exquisite patterns of a pine cone, the miracle flying capabilities of a hummingbird, the remarkable colors of summer wildflowers or the spotted coat of a newborn fawn.

And I thought, wow! If we could only allow ourselves to truly appreciate the incredible treasure trove of miracles that surround us each day, perhaps we could begin to realize how very fortunate we are to have received this incredible gift of life.

Maybe then we could learn to look at each other differently, too. As the miracles we are as well.
Well, pondering is hard work so I'm going to re-group and try to figure out how to bring you some more of the stuff we couldn't get in while we're on the road - without overwhelming you. Thanks for your patience with my musings. We'll be back in a while. See ya!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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