Saturday, September 22, 2012

Into The Rockies

Leaving Cranbrook we took a slightly unusual route but pretty soon we were truckin' up Canada 93/95 toward Fairmont Hot Springs and Invermere with Sherwood at the Helm.

The sound of cameras (and iPhones and iPads) clicking away was pretty constant as we entered the Canadian Rockies. While we are still in the lower elevations, the landscape is increasingly craggy and the vistas are impressive.

As we make our way northward the signs warning of wildlife near highways are increasingly pointed and as we entered the Kootenay National Forest we found out why!!!

This family of Mountan Goats came down to greet us and to wish us well on our journey. There are supposed to be a lot more around here and we'll be on the lookout!! Proceeding northeastward we traveled through areas that show the dramatic evidence of enormous forest fires that destroyed tens of thousands of acres of these beautiful Sitka Spruces.

We remembered one of our other trips to this wonderful country when we watched, with sadness and horror, the Canadian TV coverage of fires larger than those in Washington state yet when we got home we could not find a word about them in our press. Before we left Washington we were humbled to read of the huge contingent of Canadian firefighters who were on the way down to help.

But, as big as the areas of fire damage are, this is an enormous place and soon we had left the devastated landscape behind. We headed on toward Calgary to find our lodging for the evening. We'll be back soon. See ya!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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