Saturday, September 22, 2012

Morning in B.C.

Laundry day!!! Yep, we admit it ... We don't tread as lightly on the land as we perhaps could when it comes to duds. We've depleted our initial supply of stuff and will take a brief time-out to re-supply. We want to be 'presentable' when we show up in Banff!!! I'll explain that more later. Anyway - let me tell you some more about our evening. We reached Cranbrook, B.C. In the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and got checked into our hotel. in case you skeptics think we don't stay in some high class places, check this out!!! When have you ever seen a "...balcony with a loo?". It certainly piques the imagination, don't ya think?

As you can tell, they were getting their " off season" renovations started early and we'll talk more about that later. We got settled into our rooms and headed down to the restaurant (The Bavarian House) which had an amazing range of German and American/Canadian dishes. Linda had fresh Bratwurst (made fresh daily - on-site) with Spaetzel, I had a wonderful grilled/sautéed chicken and Sherwood had a great Prime Rib (I think she was longing for some good Yak.) We soon turned in so we could getget started on the laundry pretty early. We got everything together and headed for the Duds & Suds Laundramat.

(Which, by the way, also doubles as a small hotel/book store/coffee shop.)

The above photo is looking northeastward from the D&S. We finished up our laundry and headed back to the hotel to check out. Then, it was on toward Banff. We'll be back with more in a bit!! See ya.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Cranbrook St N,Cranbrook,Canada

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