Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Traveler Returns

Those of you who have been traveling with us for a while know that there once were four "SCTravelers" in our original gang and that Lou Gray, our treasured cohort, decided to take a trip on which we could not join her.

She left a void in our lives and we were reminiscing about her with her family when her ashes were interred at St. Michael's. When we mentioned that we wished she could join us on our upcoming trip (this one), her nephew and niece said that they thought that was a great idea and quickly had a tiny portion of her ashes placed in a special container. It was almost as if we could hear that wonderful, gravelly voice saying "What are ya'll waiting for? Let's hit the road!!" So, on the road she came.
On occasion we had talked about Banff and Lake Louise and I mentioned my desire to visit there. Lou had been to the area and said it was a place she would like to go to again. So, when we planned this trip, and realized it would be possible for us to fulfill her wish we realized that Lake Louise - named after Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and wife of John Campbell former Governor General of Canada - was an obvious destination. Of course being Governor General when a new province was created gave Mr Campbell lots of opportunities, one of which was the naming of the province - thus his wife's name was again memorialized. What better place for our pal to rest than a location that is not only beautiful but which contains a reminder of who she was (Louise), where she came from (Caroline[a]) and where she rested (Alberta).

LINDA: As we drove up to Lake Louise and saw the splendor of the whole area, there were many recollections of Lou and what she meant to each of us. For me, her sense of humor, doing things correctly, and absolutely taking care of herself stand out. Each one of us shared memories along with long periods of quiet reflection. The drive became part of the memorial service we had planned. However we were not prepared for the magnificence of Lake Louise and were in awe that this was just the right place for our dear friend. When we arrived, we took a short walk down to the lake and spotted a place where there were steps going down to the water - how perfect is that! So, we said our special prayer and each scattered some of Lou's ashes in the water. We now have special boxes where more of Lou's ashes will remain until the next trip. We will take Lou with us for as many trips as possible. Her love of life will stay with us forever as we continue to "take Lou along for the ride!"

SHERWOOD: The Glory of God filled my heart at the first sight of Lake Louise. As we walked to find the perfect place, and we did find it, to leave Lou, I felt the Holy Spirit wrap around me. Hearing the water lapping on the rocks, seeing the mountains and glacier in the background, I knew we had found a place of peace and glory that Lou would love. Even though there were others in the area, it was as if the three of us were alone together with Lou and God. It was a reverently moving and spiritually inspired moment when Lou joined with God's wonders.

YouTube Video

RICHARD: We each had many thoughts as we took this sentimental journey and we each remember Lou in our special way. For that reason we have not tried to combine our thoughts but will share them individually. Many of mine are above but, I have to tell you, I was totally unprepared for the absolute splendor of this place. The First Nation people called it "The Lake of Little Fishes" and it is certainly a spot where " feeling little" comes easy. I treasured my friendship with Lou and I am happy I could be included in this wonderful reunion.

So, it was with somewhat mixed emotions that we concluded our trip to this gorgeous and sacred area. Our recollections had given us a twinge of sadness but at the same time they brought laughter, warmth and re-kindled love.

We miss you, old girl, but we know you're ..... "Fine, just fine!!"
We'll be back soon to continue our visit to beautiful Banff. See Ya!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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