Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eastward From Cheney

After a wonderful visit with the Cheney crowd we headed toward the beautiful city of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Although slightly under fifty thousand people, Coeur d'Alene is the largest city in Idaho's panhandle, second largest metro area in the state and is home to the University of Idaho at Coeur d'Alene, Lewis and Clark State College and North Idaho College. It's also the place where we turn Northward toward Canada .... Eh!!! Before you get to Coeur d'Alene, however, there is the really neat town of Post Falls. We didn't visit it this trip but we have before and it has one of the most interesting things I have seen. When Frederick Post decided to 'do things right' and actually purchased the land for his lumber mill from the Chief of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, he wanted to have a permanent record and carved the agreement on a granite stone now known as Treaty Rock which stands protected inTreaty Rock Park. It's a very cool thing!! Visit it if you can. Whatever you do, though, do not miss beautiful Coeur d'Alene if you're in this neck of the woods.

It's got to have one of the prettiest downtown areas any where in the country. Not only does the lake serve as the centerpiece for an incredible recreation area, the city-center has sculptures on virtually every corner a-la Grand Junction, Colorado which you visited with us a while back.

It is really a magical city. But - we had to get on up the road so our visit was brief. From Coeur d'Alene we headed on through Sandpoint where we stopped for a caffeine break at Starbucks located right on the edge of Lake Pend Oreille.
Now, we've gotta keep this between just us ... Sandpoint is also home to headquarters of the famous "Coldwater Creek" women's apparel chain. Don't let Linda know about that or she would demand that we go back - - NOW!!

Then it's on through Bonner's Ferry where the local tribe declared war on the U.S. in 1974. And ... before long we were at the border with Canada. As we have so often experienced, the Border Patrol Agents at the Canadian checkpoint were exceptionally gracious and thoughtful - even with a 'carload o' codgers'.

Shortly afterwards we were nearing Cranbrook where we would hole up for the night and looking forward to some 'down-time." The night was still young But we'll have to wait unil next time for the ... "rest of the story". See ya.
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