Friday, August 30, 2013

Packing Up

Well, in a couple of days we will be heading down to the beautiful South Carolina coast for a little "R&R" at Litchfield Beach.  Many of you have joined us on our getaways to Inlet Point and I hope you will be along this time too.  I'm not sure what adventures we'll have on this trip but you can count on some interesting times!!  One of the things we are planning is a fishing trip out of Murrell's Inlet.  All three of us love fishing but we haven't taken you along when we went out to try our 'angling' skills.  (Actually, we're pretty much rookies when it comes to fishing knowledge - but - hey, we have fun.)  Anyway - when we've gone bottom fishing in the past we've traditionally left from Little River way up at the north end of the S. C. coastline.  This time, though, we're going to try our luck with one of the boats from just up the road.  We'll be sure to document the entire adventure and let you know how our luck runs.

I guess my last post was a bit of a 'downer' since it came at a time that things seemed to be rather dismal around our wonderful country.  There is still much to be concerned about but recently I was fortunate to learn about a young man from one of our favorite cities - Beaufort, S. C. - who epitomizes all of the good stuff we are so hungry to find.  I really, really want you to take a look at the video at the link I'm going to include here.  You owe it to yourself to see it.  Please click on this -  An Amazing Young Man - I promise you won't be disappointed.  We'll be back soon to get our trip kicked off but, for now, we'll let Richie (see above) have center stage.  See ya.

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