Monday, August 5, 2013

Incredible Master of Glass

After a really fun visit to the Experience Music Project the folks from Cheney headed back to their hotel and we walked to the other side of the Space Needle where Michael and Reshu treated us to a visit (thank you, thank you!!) to a place that, although only recently opened (2012) and supposedly only temporary (spell that - 'hard to believe') has become one of the most popular spots around for visitors and locals alike.  It is the Chihuly: Garden and Glass Gallery and contains some of the incredible art of Dale Chihuly.  Born right down the road in Tacoma, Chihuly has achieved worldwide acclaim for his unbelievable creativity and ingenuity in glasswork.  The Seattle facility is not tremendously large but it certainly showcases the enormous range of forms, techniques, sizes, styles and colors for which Chihuly and his team members are so well known.  There are exhibits inside and outside - some modest in size and others, enormous.  As you enter the exhibition hall and go by the bookstore you immediately pass what, to me, was one of the most stunning exhibits - The Glass Forest.  If you've ever seen any of Chihuly's stuff you know he is famous for creating complex sculptures - often involving long, tubular arms.  The Glass Forest is all that and more.  Somehow, they filled the structures with gasses and created a "neon-like" appearance.  It was really something!! Then, depending on which way you turn, you go through the theater or on to the "Northwest Room".  The pieces here are small,individual works that are done in mostly muted, earth-tones and sand colors.  The works themselves are incredible but I will tell you, the lighting artists who set the exhibits up were spectacularly good.  Then, we move into the "Sealife Room" which contains one of the most remarkable pieces in the place.   "Sealife" contains several absolutely beautiful pieces capped off by a towering structure that evokes visions of crashing waves.  Next we move into a room (or corridor) entitled "Persian Ceiling".  Believe me - you could get a stiff neck from staring at that amazing display.  Linda and I stopped at the next exhibit, "Mille Fiori" for a 'photo op' and then on to the "Ikebana and Float Boat" exhibit.  Somehow, simply by his applications of patterns, colors, shapes and sizes, Chihuly can convey the sense of different cultures, different nations and different people.  The next room you enter is virtually guaranteed to elicit a sharp intake of breath and some murmured exclamationsalong the lines of "OMG".  It is the unbelievable "Chandelier Room."  As you head for the outdoor exhibits you pass through "The Glasshouse",  a long, glass hallway with the most amazing 100 foot long chandelier you will ever see.  And then, it is on to the outdoor displays and, I've gotta tell you, I'm not at all sure I understand how they set the exhibits up or how they protect them.   Some of them look so incredibly fragile but others give off an aura of strength and toughness. The gardens are exquisitely landscaped and when you look closely, you realize that the varieties of flowers, shrubs, and trees are quite special.  In fact the entire garden is a separate work of art in its own right and to be blended so successfully with the amazing glass works is an accomplishment that is really noteworthy.  The grounds were landscaped with specially selected vegetation including 12 different trees, 31 different shrubs, 47 different  perennials, 35 special bulb plants, 4 grasses, 5 ferns and 7 vines.  Wow!!  By the way, we are also very proud that an organization to which we belong - The Columbia Museum of Art in our state capitol - has a stunning Chihuly chandelier in the main lobby of the building.  It is extremely beautiful and reminiscent of the works in the ChandelierRoom while at the same time being unique.  I don'tknow how long this exhibit will be available in Seattle; (I really hope it becomes permanent) but if you are in the area, don't take a chance - GO!!!  And - I realized that trying to pick out photos to include here from the many we took was getting to be very frustrating.  Sooo...  I added a slide show over on the top right side of the page.  Take a look at it and you will see a bit bigger selection of these beautiful works of art.  Dale Chihuly is truly a genius and we are indebted to him for giving us these treasures.  But, be assured, even the photos in the slide show are still only a small fraction of what you will see when you visit.  We hope you have enjoyed this wonderful 'side-trip' and  although I made some kind of smart remark about the kids earlier - don't listen to me!!  I think Bradley and Josh would have been fine and I think they would have gotten a lot out of it.  So - go and bring the kids.   We'll be back soon with some stuff we promised you the other day.  Rest up, put in some eye-drops and get ready.  You've got a lot more to see.  See ya.

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