Sunday, August 4, 2013

An Awesome Visit And Fantastic Family

We are blessed with three spectacularly beautiful and wonderful nieces who have absolutely amazing husbands and children.   Linda's cousin Michael and his lovely wife Reshu have found a special place deep in our hearts and the whole bunch is just delightful to be around.  The first photo shows Josh, Breanna, Kimberly, Linda, Courtney, Justin and Bradley around the Officer's table on the bridge of the Northern Leader.  Shaun and Dylan were missing but we added a photo or two.  And - although the 'Alaska contingent'  couldn't be there this time we all thought of them often and really missed having them with us. But the time we got to spend with each other before, during and after the christening ceremonies for the Northern leader was quite special so I thought I would share some photos and  some of the things we did together.  I need to mention that on "the other side of the family" (and of the country) we have a whole other set of relatives that you will love - including two as-of-yet unattached, handsome nephews but that's for another time.  And - we haven't even started on Sherwood's bunch.  Wait until you meet the Wilmington crowd!!!  But - we don't have the space to do our "" impersonation right now so we'll leave it at that.  Bottom line is - you could never even dream up a more enjoyable bunch of folks to be around than these.  I'll stop with one or two final photos - including one of Breanna demonstrating her stevedore credentials.  And when we come back, we'll show you some of the spectacular sights these folks shared with us while we were here.  Just to give you a sneak preview - they will include tons of art, technology, architecture and the sights and sounds of "Seattle happenings. "  (Including an impromptu "taxi strike" just to keep things interesting.  Along the way we will look at some of the truly unique things about the Pacific Northwest that, I think you will agree, make it one of the neatest places to visit in our beautiful country.  Rest up and come on back ... you're gonna do a lot of walking!!!  See ya.

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