Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sometime You Just Wonder .....

Well gang, if you have lived in our beautiful country for any length of time you might be feeling a bit chagrined about the image we have probably showed the world this week.  There have been appalling acts of violence committed by young people all across the country and the response of our nation to acts of international violence have been less than admirable.  It causes those of us who believe, deeply, that human beings have a responsibility to care for each other, to wonder just what has gone wrong.  Well, this will be a short message and it will be directed mainly to those of you who have gotten to know a little bit about us over the last few years - as you have joined us on our travels.  If you are new to the SCTravelersX3 writings you might not have had the chance to see some of the things I might refer to - but, that's OK - you'll understand too.

Here is the simple fact; our future as a species is dependent on how well we prepare the young people we produce in every neighborhood, in every community, in every city, every borough, village, town, city, state, region or country on this planet.  It really doesn't matter what your race is, what your religion is, what your political affiliation is or what your economic status is.  Rich, poor, black, white, Christian, Muslim, European, North or South American, Pacific Islander - whatever!!!  This is the bottom line - Our personal future depends on the future of all of us.  Yeah, you might want to say - "That crime was committed by a black person, or a white person, or a yellow person or a red person.  Don't you get it?  It doesn't matter.  If we have a generation of young people who are learning that differences can be resolved only through violence, bloodshed, suppression, intimidation, greed and selfishness then we are in serious trouble.  Life on this planet will only be sustainable if we learn how to successfully live and work together - in spite of our differences!!!  We simply must - must - must - learn that it is our similarities that are important - not those differences. 

I hope you will recall some of the posts we have published, particularly those that talk about things we can do to give our young people a better chance for a happy life in this rapidly changing world.  We quoted a lot of authors and encouraged all of us to pay attention to the way we raise our children.  We talked about the meaning of "youth" and how we, as a little older generation, can keep the optimism of youthfulness.  We have repeatedly reported the absolutely spectacular young folks we meet on our travels and have commented on how those meetings refresh our souls.  We have repeatedly quoted a principle shared by over twenty-five major religious or philosophical groups across the planet - the belief that we should: "Do unto others as we would have them do unto us."  This is not a "U.S." problem, folks.  Look at the news reports!!  Across the planet youngsters are increasingly being influenced by those who would hi-jack their idealism for sinister purposes.  I plead with you - wherever you live, whatever religion you practice, whatever your political ideology is - STOP!!!  Step back.  Accept the responsibility for contributing to the solution - not the problem.  This is a wonderful, beautiful world with amazing, spectacular people and if we do our job right we can actually bring about peace and harmony across the globe.  Commit to it now before it is too late.  See ya. 

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