Friday, August 2, 2013

The Northern Leader

OK gang, now that we've covered the preliminaries,let's move into the ship for a closer look at some of this 'magic.' First - if you're like me some of this stuff won't be too recognizable but we're starting with electrical stuff. (Of course we had to have Breanna along to explain things. Who else but a teenager??)

There are panels, screens, switches and buttons everywhere but keep in mind, this vessel is highly "electronic". It is powered by two 1,250 horsepower electric "Z-Drives" and a 400 hp "bow thruster enabling the ship to turn on a dime or even move sideways!

The generators supplying the power are driven by seven massive Diesel engines and together they generate over 3,500 kilowatts of electricity. In addition, the power will be supplying an astonishing array of equipment used in handling the forty-five mile "long-line" with 80,000 hooks, automatically baited at a rate of six per second), an entire production line of computerized fish processing, freezing, packaging and storing equipment and hundreds of other devices necessary to sustain a crew of up to thirty three at sea for months at a time. As the lines are retrieved with the attached catch, automated systems remove the fish, identify them by size and begin the process of preparation assisted by their human colleagues.

At the end of the line the now "store-ready" fish and by-products are sent into deep freezers, with more than one and a half million pounds capacity, awaiting their trip to the customers.

Of course, even with the advanced technology on Northern Leader, the key to a successful voyage will always lie in the hands of the crew; so ensuring their comfort, safety and health is crucial.

The ship's galley where meals are prepared and served is a masterpiece of culinary technology that would be the envy of any five star restaurant. The dining space is extremely comfortable and attractive and ensures the right environment for a relaxing, nutritious meal. Getting ready for work or finishing a demanding shift at sea is quite different from a day at the office and the needs of a fishing crew are unique.

Lockers for gear and dressing areas are designed for efficiency and devices such as "boot dryers" keep the crew working in the best conditions possible. After a strenuous shift nothing is more important than being able to clean up and head for a comfortable sleeping space. The Northern Leader has probably gone farther than any vessel before it in making that available. The living spaces are spacious and well appointed for a ship this size and are attractive as well as comfortable. Computers, flat screen televisions and even a well equipped fitness room keep the crew in touch and in shape.

The Captain's stateroom and those of the ship's officers are also state-of-the-art and would rival the amenities of most upscale lodging facilities.

And then ... there is the bridge!! Folks, I've gotta tell you, if you haven't seen this, it is really difficult to get your mind around. When you walk onto the bridge of this ship you keep blinking - expecting that at any moment Lt. Uhuru, Spock, Sulu, Scotty or Kirk will appear.
It is simply astonishing! The navigation equipment, First Mate's station and Captain's Chair provide unheard of levels of control, contact and command.  Through the miracle of computer electronics the captain has visual and voice contact with virtually
every inch of the ship while maintaining an unparalleled degree of physical control.  Screens, gauges, telephones, microphones, computer mouse, "joysticks" and exotic control wheels are all at the skipper's fingertips. All of this goes together to create a fishing craft that is absolutely awesome in every way.

Being able to see the ship progress virtually from conception to reality is truly the opportunity of a lifetime and we can't express how enjoyable our opportunity to experience it has been. We hope you've gotten a feel for this amazing vessel; we sure are glad you joined us for the tour. We'll stop for a brief rest and then come back with more from Seattle. See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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