Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We're Here!!!

Hey gang!! We made it down to the beach safely and, while we don't usually

jump right into our posts, I thought I'd add a postscript to some of the last things we wrote. I had previously mentioned being "down in the dumps" over things that had happened recently. I later added a link to a video that showed an amazing young

man making his way in the world under very difficult circumstances. Well, the bottom line on all that stuff is this; yes, we can be discouraged when our doubts, fears and ignorance take control. But the truth is (as Richie Parker so vividly demonstrated) if we keep our faith, continue to strive - even in the face of great challenges - and remain committed to achieving the best that is in us, miracles can and will happen. I'm sure not going to give up on our wonderful world!!! So we will go forward and find our miracles.
I'm adding just a few pics to give you an idea of the weather this Labor Day.

It is a sunny ninety degrees with thunderstorms likely later. We're keeping our fingers crossed for clear weather later so we can get out on the 'deep blue sea' for some fishing. We'll keep you up to date!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Marsh Hen Dr,Pawleys Island,United States

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