Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pondering .....

Each time we wind up a trip and finish up the posts;  when we settle down a bit and our minds quit whirling from all the stuff we've seen;   when we have a chance to reflect on the experience, I find myself getting a bit nostalgic.  I mean, we usually have a great time visiting new places - and even old ones again - but I guess it is just the fact that we miss the people we've been with that causes the 'let-down.'  We are a funny species aren't we?  There is so much wonder all around us that it is just amazing we ever have time to focus on anything.  So many talented, creative people doing so many wonderful things.  But we always find ourselves a bit puzzled about the things we all seem to be searching for.  The things that make us to stop and reflect.  The things that cause questions to arise in our minds.  As I looked back at some of the pictures from the trip - and some of the things we did - I wanted to put my thoughts together a bit better.  So - I took the opportunity to practice my "video converting" skills and re-familiarize myself with one of the programs we've used in the past and came up with a video capsule for those thoughts.  Now, I know that some of you think I go a bit overboard with some of this stuff - "over-intellectualize" things and get way too wordy.  But, that's me I guess.  I suppose I just want you to see what's down there inside too.  See ya.

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