Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's About This "Beach Thing"

Well, gang, you have traveled with us to some pretty diverse spots around our continent and, clearly, every place we have visited had it's own unique features and certainly it's own charm.  It would be extremely difficult to compare one place to another in terms of it's "rank" on some 'appeal' scale.  Frankly, we have found stunning beauty in a salt flat more than 200 feet below sea level in the most arid, inhospitable place you can find in North America and within twenty four hours were bundled up looking at incredible sights at an elevation of more than 14,000 feet.  By the same token, we have met astonishingly generous, gentle and engaging people - of every race, sex, nationality, religion - or any other distinguishing characteristic - everywhere we have been.  So, I suppose the proverbial bottom line is - life is simply gonna be what you make it!!  If you choose to see good, beautiful and remarkable - it will be there for your discovery.  If, on the other hand, you decide that things are not good and that the world will turn a hostile face toward you - well, I guess you're going to find that waiting for you too.  So our message to you would be - look for the good, expect it, count on it!!!  No, that doesn't mean that we should be naive or act like Polyannas - we have to be mature and alert - but - we should never forget that even on the darkest days we can be assured that a ray of sunshine will soon brighten the landscape.

Having said that - we've just gotta talk about some places we have met great people, seen amazing stuff and ..... had GREAT meals along the South Carolina coast.  We don't pretend to be a culinary guide or anything like that but, in chatting about some of our experiences we realized that there are some places we would really like to put in a plug for if you plan to be headed our way some time soon.  We're gonna do it in an orderly way ... breakfast, lunch and dinner (supper for the 'southern' at heart.)

OK - if you're a 'breakfast kind of guy - or girl' you're definitely not going to have trouble finding a place for early morning fare on the Grand Strand.  There are literally hundreds of places to choose from.  And - I'm pretty sure you'll find that they are all pretty good!!  Moreover, there are tons of 'franchise' restaurants that seem pretty standard wherever you go.   Well ...  one of those is on our 'top ten' list and we recommend it any time.  It's the +Eggs Up Grill at Litchfield Beach (Hwy 17 in front of the Piggly Wiggly) on Pawley's Island.  Since it became a franchise in Applewood House Of Pancakes1987 the original founders of Eggs Up have consistently sought to ensure that all their locations reflect their standards.  We endorse this one to the max.  We have actually followed them from their original site at the corner of Litchfield Ave. and Hwy 17 to their present site.  The food is consistently excellent but, more importantly, the service is outstanding and the prices are very reasonable.  The second recommendation we have is the Applewood Pancake House - also located on Highway 17 on Pawley's Island.  this is another place you can always bet on outstanding quality, excellent service and great value for your money.  We've been there a ton of times and have always been treated more like family than customers!!!

Now - lunch....!!  If you've never been to the South Carolina coast you really can't comprehend how gutsy it is to step up and recommend a place for lunch here.  Mainly - because there eighty-two kajillion places to choose from - and - you can probably get opinions from the entire spectrum about every aspect of the place.  Well, with that in mind - and - with the knowledge that there are about a zillion others we would be happy to comment on - we've got a couple of favorites that we will, again, recommend without reservation.  First is the +Island Cafe and Deli, Highway 17 on Pawley's Island. The folks there are dedicated to making sure you have a great dining experience and they take great pride in ensuring that their meals are "one-of-a-kind" every time.  Extreme creativity and culinary skill combine to make it a great meal option.  Second is another of our favorites ...   +The Chive Blossom located just off Highway 17 on the North Causeway on Pawley's Island.  This is one you really have to visit, folks!!  The menu is outstanding and it is one of the most consistently excellent places you can dine at the beach.  Try it, you'll like it.

And now ... drum roll ... the biggie - DINNER (or, if your Southern roots kick in about now, SUPPER).  Like we said about lunch - if you're brave enough to stake yourself out in the sand as to which restaurants are the best for evening meals - you are brave indeed!!!!!!!!!!  This is one of the blood-sports of the low country, defending against all comers your choice for excellent coastal dining.  We are no different!!!  We have another zillion evening meal choices we could offer but we decided to force ourselves to limit our recommendations to two.  This was almost impossible, folks!!  We have so many!!!  But - we said we'd do it, so - in the number two spot - we offer +Louis' at Sanfords.  This is the latest 'home' for Chef Louis Osteen who really did a lot to put South Carolina cooking on the culinary map.  The food is incredibly creative and tasty to the max with some of the most reasonable prices you will find.  Now, having said all that, I have to admit that it is not a surprise that Louis has been so successful.  After all - he graduated from high school a year ahead of me in Anderson, S. C.  (Have I got stories to tell!!!!!!)  His brother was one of the most outstanding banjo players of our time and his entire family contributed in a huge way to the entertainment industry in Anderson.  But - forget all that.  If you want a great meal - head on down to Willbrook Avenue - again, right off Highway 17 and right around the corner from our food 'home base' the Piggly Wiggly.

And, finally - the 'Top Dog' of the whole food chain.  Our number one recommendation for great evening dining on the coast - +Russell's Seafood Grill at Murrell's Inlet.  Located on Highway 17 South (Business), Russell's is one of the best known and most highly respected restaurants on a stretch of highway that hosts at least fifty world class seafood restaurants - in an area where the competition is absolutely "take-no-prisoners" fierce and the dining population simply cannot be fooled.  This is truly one of the very best gifts you can give yourself if you enjoy a great meal with congenial company and a remarkable environment. 

We hope you have a chance to visit one or more of the above restaurants.  We know you won't be disappointed and - on the off chance that I might be wrong (which I won't be), if you happen not to enjoy your meal at any of the above, just let me know and I'll buy a round of drinks for your entire dining party!!!!   Wherever you choose to eat on the S. C. coast, you have a better than ninety percent chance of hitting it out of the park so bon apetite'!!!

We'll be back soon with some other things for you to consider.  In the meantime, go back to the top of this post and take a look at that picture of the beach we took a while back.  It represents how we feel about our fantastic state - and about our wonderful 'travelin' friends.'  See ya.

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