Thursday, November 29, 2012

Beaches Are For Summertime ... NOT!!!!!

Wow, gang .... the feeling you get walking through miles of unspoiled forest is awesome!!!  I remember learning about the word "aboreal" - the fact that it related to ... "living in the trees".  But in their context it was animals that actually spent a lot of time "in" the tree - like an opossum, a sloth or some other tree dweller.  Well, the word can also relate to those who live "among" the trees too - so - I suppose we became just a bit 'aboreal' on our trip to Sewee.  It was a moving and powerful experience and - even though it might not be the 'flashiest' excursion you could take, I really hope you will take the time to explore an environment like the Sewee Shell Mounds.  This world has so much incredible stuff to see and enjoy we just can't let ourselves get bogged down in conflict, hate and envy!!!  We absolutely must say ... "Stop!!!"  I don't have time to fight with you right now!!!  I've got stuff to see!!!

After our trip to Sewee we spent time wandering back along the coast - through tiny Mclellanville, (population 497 - about 160 people larger than beautiful metropolitan Ridgeway!!) on back through Georgetown (with a spectacular lunch at "Limpin' Janes) and, finally, back into Pawley's Island for a late afternoon visit with a treasured friend. 

Wonderful Litchfield Beach, one of Pawley's Island's most amazing assets, is such a spectacular place to spend time.  It is just a shame that we had to limit our visit there because of commitments back home.  But we had a great visit and we got to see some old friends, some new friends and a whole ton of folks we expect to be friends in the not-too-distant future. 

(Those folks included Whitney at the "Hot Fish Camp" seafood restaurant, Nola at "Lous' at Sanfords" and the folks at 'Social Expressions" next door to the Island Deli where we had the most fantastic meal you could imagine.)  I mean, you haven't met cool folks until you come to the South Carolina coast!!!!  (No prejudice here!!!!)  But - the SCTravelersX3 make up a pretty good bunch all by themselves so we decided to document it with a "self portrait" on the beach at Inlet Point. 

We'll be back soon to add some pics from Sherwood and Linda and to give you some dining tips if you plan to visit Pawley's any time soon.  I'm convinced that between Georgetown and Little River there are probably more than 5,000 restaurants (literally!!!) and we want to make sure you get the "real scoop" about the ones in our neck of the woods.  Come on back to get that good info and more!!!  See ya.

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