Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Season For All Seasons

Well Gang, as it occasionally does here in beautiful suburban Ridgeway, winter managed to slip past the old guys who hang out down at Ruff's Hardware Store keeping an eye out for strangers in town. Maybe they were watching the Christmas decorations being put up along Main Street or something but, whatever the case, it sneaked in here somehow. And, while yesterday folks did their holiday chores in shorts with slightly less than 'icy' temperatures (the high 70's), today we'll just have to suffer through the frigid 50’s!!! Actually, it might even get a bit chillier but, hey, that's what ushers in this beautiful time of year. And, you've gotta admit, sitting on the front porch in shorts and shirtsleeves enjoying the Christmas lights and a glass of Pinot Noir is not seasonal!!

But ... we're getting into the swing of things now and we will have to bundle up as the days continue to grow shorter. But, this change also serves to remind us that it is a special time of year. A time when the world seems to be holding it's breath and listening carefully. A time of expectation, anticipation, curiosity. While it is a time that people of many different religions consider special for reasons having to do with their beliefs, it is unquestionably a time when the world is clearly waiting for things to happen that will demonstrate that incomprehensible miracle of nature by which renewal and rebirth give us hope for days ahead.

 In our faith it is a time we call Advent.  The time when we are reminded of events of long ago but when we also renew the wait for the transformative spirit that will bring peace to the world. Here's the deal, folks. Regardless what your personal beliefs might be, we are all given the seasonal reminders that things are definitely going to change. That life proceeds inexorably in one direction. That time is astonishingly fleeting. But, we are also reminded that with each new day, with each new season, we are given choices about how we will use our time, our opportunities. While our religions, our physical characteristics, our hopes and our dreams might be different, inside we are much more alike than we are different. Would it not be a magnificent thing if we were able to celebrate our similarities and downplay our differences? I'm willing to give it a try. Today - or, perhaps for this season of expectation, - what if we just said; "... Y'know what, I'm gonna treat that person exactly the way I'd like for them to treat me." Radical idea, huh?

Well, enough of the philosophy for now. We've got some shopping to do and some good stuff to cook for when we get the family together - but - don't overdo it with the holiday meals. We'll soon be packing up again to hit the road and we want you to be ready!!! See ya!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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