Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Says Goodbye !!!!!

Happy New Year, Gang!!!!  We made it through another one!!!  Like other years we've been through this one had many, many good things but, unfortunately, it also had more than it's share of bad things.  I'm not going to do like the media do and go through a whole litany of the "best and worst" of 2012 and I, for one, will be glad to get this one behind us.  There is one thing I'd like to do however.  No, I'm not going to be pushing you for New Year's Resolutions or anything like that.  I figure we can each deal with that on our own if we need to.  What I want to do is ask you a question and then a favor.  The question is this: "...did you do as much as you could have to be just a bit kinder, more considerate and caring toward others?"  And the request is - "..... if you did, keep it up!!! If you didn't, how about seeing if we can't all do a bit better."  Remember, it won't take a quantum leap to make the world a lot better place (although that too would be nice) but rather, small, positive increments can make a difference that we never even dreamed of.  I really want us to work on it.  I mean, on every continent on the planet our so-called "leaders" showed us the meaning of narcissism, arrogance, irresponsibility and downright disregard for human life in many instances.  Why can't we try to set an example for THEM to follow and let them know that we expect them to deliver.

But, as we close out this tired old year I think it is important to note some things I really think are important.  Despite the bad things we saw happening this year, as we looked around there were many more good things.  I know the SCTravelersX3 had some great experiences looking at this beautiful planet of ours and we met some outstanding new friends along the way.  We choose to continue to believe that the inherent good in us outweighs "man's inhumanity to man" that is so often discussed.  Take time to talk to yourself this year.  Learn that important lesson that YOU are valuable and that YOU have an impact each day YOU are on this planet.  If that impact is positive, then you have contributed to peace and harmony in the world.  Keep that in mind!!

Bottom line .... I really appreciate the time you have spent with us and I think together we can make a positive difference if we work at it.   To close out this post, I've just gotta include one of our nephew's (+Dylan Andrew) pictures.  He is one of the coolest folks you'll ever meet and has one of the best photographic eyes around.  He entitled it "Snowmobiling" and it sets the right tone for new, fresh, wonderful experiences for the new year.  I'm not sure what 2013 holds in store for us but I think it will be exciting and we've got lots of traveling to do!!!  So, get ready and we'll be back for you soon!!!  See ya!   

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