Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Message For You

 Merry Christmas Gang!!!!  This won't be a long post.  Just a quick note to let you know we're thinking of you on this special evening.  Sherwood has packed up and headed out to
Wilmington for a visit with her grandkids (with some time set aside for their parents) and we know it will be a great Christmas!  Around here, we've finished up all the shopping, cooked up three turkeys (1 roasted, 2 smoked) for our family dinner tomorrow, sang at the early service at church so we could hear the kids sing, exchanged gifts with our adopted families, finished up final gift wrapping and settled in for a wonderful visit with our son, Rick.  

Regardless of what your religious affiliation is - or is not - you guys are an official part of our extended family (since we've been thousands of miles together!!) and we wanted you to know that you will be in our prayers and our thoughts as we go to sleep tonight.  It has been a wonderful year - so far - and we have loved having you with us as we traveled around this spectacular planet.  We've got a lot more traveling to do, too, so use the holiday season to rest up and get your second wind.  It won't be long before we're on the road again!!!

We'd better finish up here pretty quickly since we checked around and found quite a few shady characters in the neighborhood practicing some "... to the top of the roof..." moves!!!  So we'll have to make sure things are well protected in the attic!!  Have a fantastic Christmas gang!!!!

Linda, Sherwood and Richard

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