Monday, December 17, 2012

A Brief Break From Holiday Frenzy

Well Gang, the Christmas season is a joyful and exciting time but it can also be a bit stressful on occasion. Soooooo.. To make sure we keep things in perspective, Linda and I decided to take a short break from all the activity and head down to the coast to re-charge the batteries. Our faithful traveling companion stayed home this time to finish preparing for some fabulous "family time" with her three remarkable grand daughters and we really miss her - but - we'll be back together very soon. For now, though, the two of us will try to fill the six traveling shoes. We'll give it our best effort!!

Before we proceed, though, let me take a moment to address a very serious point. Last week our country experienced a tragedy in Newton, Connecticut that caused many to question how such a thing could occur in a world in the care of a loving God. At the same time we learned of that horrific event I received news that one of my oldest and dearest friends had come to the end of a three year battle with Alzheimer's disease. Another seemingly unfathomable fate for a very good person. Hard to take. Well, the simple fact is that we are residents of a world upon which human dramas are lived out every single day of every single year of every century, often highlighting the most terrible of experiences. But, even in the midst of such tragedies there are, invariably, illustrations of humanity at it's finest. It is those reminders upon which we must focus. Thoseexamples we should use to nourish our hearts. Despite the bleakness of the winter there is the eternal reminder that spring will unfailingly follow.

And now .... OK, so Hilton Head is slightly off our usual route but, hey, we've never had a fixed itinerary. And, back in the days when the SCTravelers were x4 instead of x3, our buddy Lou had a place here that we were fortunate to visit on occasion. It is truly a beautiful place and is also quite close to one of our favorite towns, Beaufort, S.C. If possible we'll take some time and visit that beautiful place so we can share it with you.

For now, though, we'll do what we always love, start with a deep breath of cool sea air, the soft sound of the low tide surf gently stroking the wide sandy beach and the ever watchful seagullsdoing sentry duty over our amazing South Carolina coast.

Even though it was late in the afternoon when we got to the island an a few last minute chores took up even more time we simply couldn't resist a walk down to the beach.
Of course the bone-chilling 70-something temperatures of the S.C. December wasn't too rough so we took time for an early evening stroll.  I wish we had been a bit earlier so that we could have caught the moon a little lower in it's trajectory.  Then it would have appeared a little larger but, still, you can get the "Palmetto State" idea from this shot. 

Somehow, for me it is always 'affirming' or reassuring to see families enjoying the incredible mystery of the ocean even at a time when many, if not most, folks are fighting their way through the lines at the mall.

But, hey, we've never been shy about admitting the power of the spiritual renewal we get from the sea. I mean, how can you look at this sky and not be awed?

So after an energizing walk we headed back to get ready for dinner. Linda picked up some "fixin's" so we could have a quiet meal at home. Mmmmmmm, big ol' S.C. Shrimp!!! Can't wait!!! I'll close with a shot of ou home-away-from-home.
We'll finish getting settled in, have a good, light supper, say a toast to all those we love and have loved and get ready for an adventure or two.

Rest up and come back soon. See ya!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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