Friday, January 6, 2012

Swimming With The Dolphins

 If there are any of you still out there ... we're back!!!!  This will be a short post to let you know what's coming up.  First - after the last series of posts we went through a bunch of stuff - mainly having to do with chemotherapy and putting our lives back in some kind of order after the ordeals of 2011.  But - you need to know that we are doing fine and have had a couple of trips that we want to report on - and that will be coming up.  For now, though, let me tell you that when we resume posts we will use the "traditional" format - NOT - the one we have used in the past.  That is - we will submit each post as it is prepared and the "newest" will be at the top of the list.  (If that's confusing, you might want to look back at how we've done things in the past.  But, I'd suggest not worrying about it - and just going along with us from here.  I'll be back shortly with updates from our most recent journey and a forecast of coming events.  For now, though, let me close out with some pics you might enjoy ......

 Here's Linda with her new best friend "Ende."

 And here's Ende taking Linda for a spin around the pool!!

And here's Linda telling Ende Thanks!!!!

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