Friday, January 20, 2012

A Brief Pause For A Moment On The Soapbox!!

OK, OK, I know this is not the place for a bunch of political, philosophical or religious commentary but I've been pondering as I've written about the people we've met on our travels and I've gotta say something.  Bear with me for just a bit...

As you watch television in this country and others we've visited - or listen to radio, read newspapers or hear speeches, there is a recurrent theme that seems "reasonable" at first glance.  What we get in very heavy doses is information about how bad things are - everywhere!!!  The economy, the climate, education and especially the decline in the character, caliber and potential of our youth.  In seeing all this it makes you begin to wonder why this is happening.  Is that really the way it is? ... is this really all the news of importance? ... are we, as a species, really so decadent, corrupt and incorrigible?  If you look at the increasing depravity depicted on "reality shows" you would sure think so.    Well folks, I want to make my tiny voice heard to express a different view!!!

Yes, there are bad things in this world, bad people, bad tragedies, bad weather - always has been, always will be.  Should we acknowledge the bad - yep; should we fight tooth and nail against it - you bet!!  But - I have visited every one of the United States (except Hawaii) frequently, I have been to each of our State Capitals and have made a concerted effort to meet people wherever we go.  I've visited more than twenty foreign countrys and made the same effort there.  Here's what I've found.

The reality is that, in our world, bad - even downright evil - does exist but despite that sad, but actual fact, the VAST MAJORITY - by far - of people we've met in our journeys are GOOD, DECENT and LOVING people.  Sure, there are bad kids, bad adults, bad politicians as well as bad architecture, bad meals and bad landscapes out there.  But I'm here to tell you .....  no, make that ..  I'm here to GUARANTEE you that there is a whole lot more good than there is bad in our wonderful blue planet.

I'll close my rant with a comment that is a little more focused .... about our kids.  Folks, I have had the good fortune to work with kids in many capacities - education, scouts, church youth groups, musical groups, civic clubs, summer camps and many, many other venues.  What I have seen is a truly shining beacon of hope for all of us- throughout the earth!!  There are some SPECTACULAR youngsters out there and they WILL make us proud if we only give them the chance.  So ... here's my message for the reality shows, the pessimistic pundits or as a former politician of ours described them more than fifty years ago - "the nattering nabobs of negativism" ...  take your slanted, distorted, pessimistic view of my world and SHOVE IT!!!  I choose to see the good, the decent, the loving and the miraculous that's out there and you who choose to dwell only on what is bad are the "real" evil out there.  Get a life!!!

I'll be back soon with some more of that really cool stuff so - hang in there!!  See ya.

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