Monday, January 16, 2012

Some Additional Stuff !!!

Well ... I was getting ready to publish a post discussing our adventures in the area around Cabo San Lucas - but - I realized there were some things that related to the posts already out there you might be interested in.

First, if you have taken the time to look at the slide-shows we've been putting over there in the right margin you have seen some of our favorite sights around this beautiful country.  We've had some from Alaska and the Yukon and some from our own beautiful state of South Carolina.  Even though we had a whole series of posts on our trip to the desert Southwest this summer, I thought you might like to see a few more of the pictures from Nevada and California that we might not have shown you before.  So - they're over there with the others now - under the heading Nevada and California.  They show a  incredible range of topography and climate in a very limited distance.  As we noted in those earlier posts, we went from temperatures of near 115degrees at lunchtime to right at freezing by dinner.  Check 'em out.

Now, to get back to what I was talking about at the beginning...  Some of the stuff that we did during the first few days in Cabo included seeing some of the most incredible sights Linda and I have experienced.  One of the greatest was our "whale watching" excursion.  We were blessed with the opportunity to see a whole school of Humpback whales cavorting in the warm Pacific waters and I wanted to share some of that with you.

And - we got a chance to see some of the beautiful rock formations that decorate the tip of the peninsula right where the Sea of Cortez touches the blue Pacific.  The color of the water, the marine life, the sea birds and the configuration of the shoreline are simply stunning.  I hope the pictures give you as much an appreciation for the beauty there as we experienced.  The pelicans and the sea lions all along the coast are so tame - and so experienced at mooching off of the "Gringos" they are almost like house-pets.  In fact, as we were coming in from a fishing trip, a sea lion actually hoisted himself out of the water onto the side of our boat!!!  And the pelicans didn't think a thing about doing a "carrier landing" right onto the humming outboard motor!!  I'm going to try to add a short video of some of the fish we saw on a short boat trip to one of the beaches and I hope the colors and the clarity of the water come through adequately.  It was fantastic!

Oh,  I forgot ... we saw these little fellows as we were leaving the marina.  I think they symbolize the fact that even in the inner harbor the environment is still favorable to marine life!!

This was supposed to be a short, "catch-up" post so I'll get it out there for you.  I'll be back with our travels in the area around Los Cabos in just a bit.  See ya.

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