Friday, January 13, 2012

Arrival in Cabo - the Playa Grande

So after making it through customs with no international incidents we picked up our rental car (...first international incident.

Here's a tip - if you're gonna rent a car in Mexico, you're GONNA buy insurance!) we got on the road to Cabo San Lucas. The road between Cabo del San Jose and Cabo San Lucas was very good

and we quickly caught sight of the Pacific in the distance.

Soon we arrived at the Playa Grande and spent some time getting ourselves settled in.

The Playa Grande is nestled on the edge of the Pacific Ocean

overlooking the harbor in Cabo.

It is difficult to describe the various structures that surrounded us so I'll try to add pictures that will do it justice.

To the North, a rocky slope rises into the sky with some incredible private homes and "boutique" hotels perched precariously on the ledges.

Some of the "homes" are said to have upwards of twenty to thirty thousand square feet of space. (???) Can you spell o-p-u-l-e-n-t boys and girls? The Playa Grande is "right nice" itself! The grounds are filled with luxurious vegetation with fountains and pools everywhere.

For a section of the country that gets somewhere between two and nine inches of rain each year (yep, 2 to 9 .. Depending on who you talk to) one questions how they can use water so freely. Well, there's an answer ... Each hotel/resort that locates here is required to install their own "de-salination" plant for producing fresh water from seawater. One of the side-effects of that requirement is that the sea along the entire coast is rigidly protected against pollution. Since there are countless marine mammals and fish using these waters as their winter breeding grounds, the benefits are very evident. (We'll see more about that later.)

I'm going to get this post out there so you can take a look but there's a lot more to see .... See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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