Saturday, January 28, 2012

Editorial Note **

Folks, we've admitted to being rank amateurs when it comes to this blogging stuff and just wanted to let you know what happened with the post about "Eagle River and ... The Grand Canyon???".  We've been trying to prepare posts a little ahead of time in order to make sure they are OK before they go out.  (Yeah, we usually 'write-as-we-go.')  Well, we actually got one ready early enough so it could wait until the following morning (this morning) to be sent.  It was saved and a timer set for it to be posted at 6:00 am (First time we'd tried that.)  When we looked to see if it went out, lo and behold, it had disappeared!!!!  We reconstructed a portion of it but had to wait until the afternoon to fully restore it.  It's out there now if you would like to go back and see the stuff we left out.

We mention all this not so much to apologize (which we do) as to warn you --- keep a back-up of your stuff!!!!!  It will likely come in handy one day.  Anyway - thanks for being so patient with us.  We appreciate it!!  See ya.

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