Thursday, January 12, 2012

Travels Around Our Beautiful State

Wow!!!! I've just spent two-and-a-half-forevers getting this Blogspot program resurrected after the trauma of changing to Apple's new OS. So - we'll try again to put stuff out here that we've been working on for a long time!!!

After our trip out West this summer we got back and had to deal with some more of "the late unpleasantness" but we're done now and everything looks good. We had a cha ce to spend some time with Sherwood at the beach and we've added a slide show over there in the right margin. When you have a chance, check them out. There are pics from beautiful Inlet Point at Litchfield and some really good ones from a recent visit to Brookgreen Gardens and Zoological Compound. There are also some from Bull's Bay Nature Preserve too.

Here's a shot of the salt marsh behind Inlet Point:

And one of the marsh at sundown:

Anyway, when we come back we'll share some stuff from a trip to a place as far West of Pawley's Island as you can get on this continent and still be on land! I think you'll enjoy it so come on back. See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Litchfield Beach SC

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