Sunday, May 11, 2014

Winging Our Way Westward

We made it to Charlotte Sunday after a great morning at St. Michaels'. It was "Youth Sunday" and one of "our kids" gave the sermon. On Saturday we had the pleasure and honor of attending the same young man's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. What a treat! Others of ours sang, read lessons and generally discredited those folks who don't think there are still some spectacular kids out there in the world. They were bright, competent and engaging as they renewed our hope for the future. But we were anxious to get going so we finished up our prep work in Ridgeway and struck out for Charlotte to pick Rick up. Even though we knew it was going to be a very early morning, we were looking forward to getting that first leg of the journey behind us. - Well!! That didn't go exactly as planned. We arrived at the Charlotte airport before dawn even thought about cracking (4:15 am) and set about checking in. It was then that we learned United had cancelled the first leg of our flight, thus totally screwing up all of the other critical elements in the domino sequence. Generally we're relatively flexible with unexpected changes but, in this case, a bunch of other things were dependent on us making it to each place on time. So - instead of cruising right on up to the Pacific Northwest, we wound up taking a tour of the Southwest. Phoenix!!!!! With the change in direction our carefully arranged seating plans were scrambled and we wound up pretty widely separated. That' s not usually a problem but we had a bit of turbulence and I would have preferred that we be closer so we could complain in "group-mode". After a short stay in Phoenix working on getting things back on track we made our way to Seattle and on to Juneau.

Most airports these days try to promote local art and artists and Seattle is no exception. So - we were entertained during our layover. Finally - Alaska!!!  The rugged terrain surrounding the capital city was impressive with the Juneau Ice Field very prominent. The airport, though small, is a classy welcoming spot and you know you're somewhere special when you walk out the door. Now - to see if the magic continues and the Juneau Car Rental folks did, indeed, leave our trusty steed at the hotel!  We'll head over there and report back to you when we get a chance.  Now, it's time to rest up for tomorrow's big adventure. You folks get some rest too. See ya.


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