Thursday, May 22, 2014

Preparing For Graduation

Our arrival in Kodiak kicked off a flurry of activity that was wild - and fun. We got there just in time to help decorate for the big graduation party and it was a strategic marvel to witness. Not only did the Kodiak folks have a plan, they had it timed to perfection.  They knew where everything was coming from, where it should go and who was going to be responsible for getting it in place.  (And no, we were no exception.  We were given our assignments upon arrival and were expected to "hop to it" right away!!)  The decorations used a remarkable combination of ready-made items, hand-crafted treasures, photographs displayed in fantastically artistic ways and, ultimately, a slide show accompanied by perfect music selections.  It was amazing to see the creativity of the whole bunch - and - how readily and enthusiastically their friends pitched in to make the event a huge success.  Of course it doesn't hurt to start with a home that is beautiful and positioned in an exquisite location nestled on a cliff overlooking Mill Bay and near a spectacularly beautiful state park!! Linda and our niece made the rounds of stores and friend's homes picking up items for the party and when the dust cleared it was beautiful. The weather was perfect, there was enough food for an army! excellent punch (not to mention an adult beverage or two...) and the guests - Wow!! There were over one hundred people there - young and old - and I don't know if I have ever been around a more congenial group of people. In fact the fellowship was so great and the conversations so lively and stimulating that none of us remembered to take pictures once the party got started!! In thinking about it, though, it wasn't really that much of a surprise.  I mean, after all, you've met the Wenatchee crew and the Cheney folks on past trips.  They are extremely special people and they are so bright, caring and thoughtful they naturally seem to attract wonderful people as friends.  In case you couldn't tell, we're quite proud!!!!  One thing that seems to be a hallmark of our niece and her two sisters is that they have managed to raise kids who are smart, attractive and, most importantly, truly wonderful people.  So - it was an outstanding way to mark our arrival in Kodiak.  The party could not have been nicer nor our welcome more gracious.  We are really excited about all that is in store for us on this beautiful island.  So - rest up and get back here soon so you'll be ready to go!!  See ya.
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