Friday, May 16, 2014

Inside Passage - Juneau To Yakutat

Boarding the Alaska Marine Highway System ferry MV Kennicot in Juneau was

like "coming home" in a way. Of course we have bragged so much on the AMHS that it is easy to tell how prejudiced we are. Even the decorations on the ship reflect the shared pride the people have for their multifaceted heritage. They celebrate the a accomplishments of their ancestors, their neighbors and their school children. It is a fabulous system and we do love it - but the 'homecoming' part comes from the people. The staff

and crews of the vessels are just great and they treat you like family but the real treat comes as you get to know your fellow travelers. It is simply incredible how many spellbinding stories they have and how truly unique they are.

We have met fiery "off the grid" folks living in tiny clusters of families within a relatively short walk of the Article Circle, people with devastating illnesses who refuse to succumb to self pity and defiantly chase every second of life they can reach; young single parents - with children in tow (men and women) -determined to carve out a life of freedom and peace for their kids; retirees from just about everywhere - Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, India, and on and on. And - each and every one of them - including those who have made Alaska their home - has an incredible sense of appreciation for the glorious gallery of beauty we are traveling through together.

We laugh, share stories, sometimes cry together but through it all runs a spirit of independence, toughness and compassion that restores your faith in the potential of mankind.

But the trip!! How can you not feel humble when you are traveling through this wonderland.

I mean - even the captain of the ship gets into the journey - excitedly announcing wildlife sightings and beautiful natural formations along the shore from the bridge. And at sunset (late though it might be) folks crowd the rails to get a good look at the retreating day. It is a scene reminiscent of the 'sunset celebration' in Key West we talked about a while back. And as the day draws to a close we prepare for our early morning visit to the tiny village of Yakutat.

We'll be back to share some of the sights from there - so rest up. See ya then!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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