Thursday, May 15, 2014

We're Here!!!

After some very "last minute" shopping we returned our reliable chariot to the

fantastic folks at Juneau Car Rental - including our new best friends Shannon, Samantha and Carmen. Carmen is a beautiful young lady who, at age 38, has faced and conquered more demons than most of us could imagine confronting

in a lifetime three times that long. I won't try to recap all the details here but let me just say that they include drugs, alcohol, alcoholic destruction of both hips, failure, despair and the love of a mother, an AA sponsor and a special friend who simply would not give up on her. From successful withdrawal, to relapse,

to eventual recovery again she has slowly begun to accept her own self-worth and with the support of folks who love her and a running program that now has her running four miles a day, four days a week this courageous young lady has

accepted her challenges and molded them into strengths. She readily agreed for us to share her experiences and will be praying for her continued success. As he dropped us off at the AMHS Terminal we shared a round of hugs to cement

our new friendship and walked into the terminal to embark on yet another fantastic adventure. I won't spend too much time talking about it - but - I wanted you to see some of the sights that surrounded us as we made our way

aboard the ship. They speak for themselves but I can't avoid a few modest adjectives: awesomely, spectacularly amazing!! Get back here quickly so you don't miss the boat. AMHS is punctual! See Ya!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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