Monday, May 26, 2014

Graduation Day - And More!!

OK Gang, we're here at the 11th hour and graduation is coming up fast at Kodiak High School.  You would think that there would be some hectic activity leading up to the big event and, to some degree, you would be right.  But this is Kodiak, Alaska folks and they will likely do things a bit different than "the average bear."  (Pun definitely intended.)  Most of this post will have to do with things related to the graduation ceremonies so if we don't get in as much local "color" as we should, I'm sorry.  But at the same time, I can assure you that what we saw over the course of the day has a lot to say about the caliber of the young people who live in Kodiak and attend the high school there.  The day started out, interestingly enough, with a "car-wash" as a fund-raiser for the baseball team.  Now, think about this ... Kodiak is an island (a big one - but, an island nonetheless) with a population of around 6,200 about one third of whom are under the age of 18.  The only ways to get here are by water and by air and that means that when the kids who participate in sports on Kodiak want to compete with kids from another city in Alaska one of the teams has to either fly or come in by boat! Do not be misled, however;  the competitive spirit is huge here and Kodiak High holds state records in numerous sports.  So how does that competition work?  Well, the teams from KHS travel to other cities in the state by either airplane or ferry and - they often pay the transportation costs to enable kids from other places to fly to Kodiak!!! Thus, a vigorous booster club and lots of fund-raisers like the carwash!  But, of course with even good things, enough is enough and when it was time for our great nephew to finish his shift and join in the graduation preparations the coach (tough though he might be) was no match for our indomitable niece.  There was the usual bustling about - picking up things to be worn at graduation, arranging for tickets that allowed the best seating arrangement and assigning designated "photo taker" duties.  During the whole day we were absolutely amazed at the serenity and calmness of the whole bunch!  But, almost before you could blink twice, it was time.  We headed out for the school on a spectacularly beautiful day and arrived along with what appeared to be at least half the population of the island.  The school is very attractive but, even so, it is receiving a face-lift and expansion for next year.  It was a blur of faces and activity for us - Regan and her family seemed to know just about every person in attendance and we were really honored to meet Principal Phil Johnson and hear his comments about the kids.  While we were pleased to hear his remarks we quickly saw evidence of what he really meant.  Just inside the front door, in a large, glass case was an entire display devoted to our great niece's achievements - including cross-country, basketball, equestrian sports as well as a full range of academic successes.  And then it was into the auditorium and a sea of photographic activity.  There were cameras of every conceivable description - iPhones, iPads, digital still cameras, digital video cameras, Go-Pros and everything in between.  Amazing.  Right on time the familiar notes of Pomp and Circumstance, played by the KHS band, filled the auditorium and we were off!  Leading the way was our great-niece and her fellow valedictorian (of which there were 19) carrying the class flower, a "Sun Flower"!!  Without belaboring things, the ceremony was excellent with all 19 valedictorians getting to express one thought - in 14 words (for 2014).   Then, we were surprised when the principal announced a special treat. and a band-stand rose magically into view.  A band made up of 2014 graduates quickly assembled and played "Wheels" by the Foo Fighters. (L-R Masato, Aaron, Joe, Ritchie) It was absolutely fantastic!!!  Turns out the kids had asked that, in addition to their Class Song ("It's Time" by One Republic), "Wheels" be added to signify their flight into the future and the faculty went all out to make it possible for them to have it played. Things went smoothly with Class President Courtney Ibabao presenting the Senior Class.  When diplomas were presented by Ms. Katie Oliver, School Board President, Mr. Johnson made sure that following each presentation every student had a few seconds - alone - at the center of the stage receiving the applause of the crowd. Cool!! With all the official "i-s" dotted and "t-s" crossed the graduates left the auditorium to the tunes of "It's Time" and made their way to a great reception in the "student commons".  There we found yet another surprise and tribute to these kids.  The families of all the graduates had created a photo wall that extended the length of the huge room and had photos from every stage of their lives.  Remarkable!!  The reception was, expectedly, very crowded - and loud!! - but it was as warm and welcoming as any event you could attend.  The kids introduced us to many of their friends and we were again impressed with their poise and politeness.  The parents were equally engaging and it was a lot of fun being in the middle of this happy event.  I know this has been a bit of an indulgence, folks, and I know there was some bragging involved.  But - it was necessary.  We have another gorgeous great niece graduating from high school in Washington state and we are really sad to have to miss that event but we will try to celebrate with her if we can.  (We found that the Wenatchee and Cheney folks were able to watch an internet "streaming video" of the Kodiak graduation live!!! Wow!)  Her accomplishments are equally terrific and I wish we could recap those for you as well.  But - we'll stick to the schedule here and finish up this wonderful event.  All too soon the next chapter will begin so we will savor this one for now.  Come on back, though, we're heading out into Kodiak Harbor next.  See ya.

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