Sunday, May 11, 2014

North To Alaska!!!

The City of Juneau
OK Gang - we're getting ready to be ... (as Willie says...)  on the road again.  We'll be leaving the Queen City (Charlotte) at "Oh-Dark-Thirty" on Monday morning and heading for the magnificent Pacific Northwest.  Our first stop will be Alaska's capital city of Juneau.  Although we actually stopped there once on a previouis ferry trip we have never had the opportunity to actually visit the city 'for real.'  We won't be there long but we are hopeful that we'll get to see some things we've read and thought about for a long time.  One of them is the spectacular Mendenhal Glacier.  It is an awesome sight and we have seen it from the water as we traveled up the Inside Passage a while back.  We posted some pictures of it then but we'll try to do a better job this time.   Juneau also lies just across the Gastineau Channel from Douglas Island to which the city is connected by a huge bridge.  The first bridge was built in 1935 but was replaced by the current version in 1990.  Having never been there we aren't too sure what to expect but - we plan to look around as much as we can in the short time we'll be there.  We'll have a car thanks to Juneau Rentals so we'll pack in as much as we can.  For now, though, we have to finish getting ready, feeding half the animals in the northern hemisphere, finishing our discussions with the house sitter and packing things up for the first leg of the journey.  We're looking forward to being back on the road but I've gotta tell you, we're kinda wistful because our super companion, the other member of SCTravelersX3 will not be joining us.  We will have our son, Rick, with us - so hopefully he can share some thoughts along the way.  Anyway - ya'll get packed up.  We'll be pulling out shortly.  See ya.

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