Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We're Here ... !!!

OK gang ... We made it down to the beach and got settled in at Inlet Point on beautiful Pawley's Island. I won't spend a lot of time with updates tonight since it's getting late - but, I'll leave you with a couple of pics from the marsh and the evening sunset.

I know we've posted similar pics in the past but it seems that each time we see sights like this they are fresh and new - and, as we've said - we never tire of celebrating the sunset. In fact, the sunset celebration in Key West is one "ritual" we think they got right!!

We'll be back soon to report on our visit to the ancient "oyster shell mounds" down at the Sewee Environmental Preserve at Awendaw, S.C. The mounds are mysterious deposits dating back more than 4,000 years but with some as recent as 600 years ago. They haven't yet figured out whether they served some key ritualistic function or were simply an ancient garbage dump. If we solve the mystery we'll let you know. See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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