Monday, November 26, 2012

Staying in Shape

Well gang,

It's been a couple of months since the SCTravelersX3 hit the road and we're getting a bit antsy!!!  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving here in Ridgeway, in nearby Columbia and in Hendersonville, North Carolina where my sister and her family live.  Our son Rick (who you met on the last trip) came down from his home in Charlotte, NC to spend a few days with us and he had fun re-connecting with his cousins, aunts and uncles and grandmother at the big family dinner in Hendersonville.  Meanwhile, back in Columbia our church - St. Michael and All Angels' had a spectacular Thanksgiving Day service and covered dish dinner with turkeys, ham and all the trimmings.  I mention that because Linda and Sherwood helped organize the event and their team made sure that all of the elderly and home-bound folks in our parish had a warm, inviting gathering to attend.  I'm really proud of what Sherwood, Linda, Robin and many others were able to accomplish!!  I smoked three turkeys for the various events and while my contribution paled in comparison to theirs - the turkeys were yummy to the max!!!!!  .....  Oh, by the way, when you're cooking turkeys outside you tend to gather onlookers.  They guy on the left and the gal on the right (look waaay up at the peak of the barn) were hoping I'd drop one of the birds for them!!!

But - that's history, right?  And we've got some warm-up traveling to do so we can stay in shape for our next big journey.  We are going to be heading back to Litchfield Beach for the next week and we hope to explore some of the historical sites in the low-country.  You joined us for some of our previous adventures - Winyah Bay, Georgetown, Hobcaw Plantation, Brookgreen Gardens and others - and we want to do some exploring in locations we haven't visited that often.  South Carolina has a large number of Revolutionary War sites - forts, battlefields, ports, etc. - and we're going to try to see what we can find.  But - we'll also be looking around along the coast to see what we might find that you would enjoy visiting with us.

We'll be back soon with more details but, in the meantime, get some warm clothes together so you won't get too chilly strolling on the beach.  I mean, hey, this is South Carolina so you're not likely to freeze or anything but it will get pretty cool on the "Grand Strand."  It's great to have you back with us and we look forward to seeing new sights with you.  See ya.

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