Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A City To Love

Wow!! I mentioned before that every visit to Charleston was a new adventure ... well, the magic continues. After our post this morning we headed down to the Battery to take a deep breath, inhale the (very) unique fragrances of the city and immerse ourselves in decades of great memories. I know many of you have been here so I hope we can give you some new and different perspectives. But, for those who haven't, we'll share some of our favorite spots with you - but - you've GOTTA come on down.

So.. We left our hotel and headed east over the Ashley River Bridge. That's the set of bridges we showed you this morning - but - we didn't tell you something very interesting about them. They we're actually dedicated as a memorial to the Veterans of World War One.

We exited onto Lockwood Drive and followed it down to King Street and over to the Battery. There, we joined the throngs of tourists who had come down for the tours or who were taking advantage of Spring Break and began our visit at Battery Park.

As we walked through the place we lived for several years when I was in the service and where I traveled to on business for more than thirty years we both remarked that it would be very difficult to imagine a more beautiful place. I'll tell ya folks, Charleston was stunningly beautiful today - just in time for the annual "Gardens and Fountains" tours.

I was planning to make this a more comprehensive post but all that walking we did today has worn me out!! So, I think I'll close for now with a promise that I have an absolute ton of stuff to share - and I think you will really enjoy it. Rest up and get ready for a jam-packed trip when we get back. See Ya.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Charleston, S.C.

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