Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back to the Midlands - Earth House Winnsboro

Well folks, it's been a day or so since we got together but we've been busy with a lot of stuff around here - including plans for our next trip.  We've been looking at a couple of really interesting spots that we think you would enjoy and we'll let you know soon what we're going to be able to do.  Whatever we decide, I promise it will be somewhere you will have fun visiting and we will certainly have fun with you along!!!!  In the meantime, though, I stopped by a place the other day I thought you might find interesting and decided to share it with you.  It is an unusual little spot in the unlikely location of Winnsboro, S. C.   As some of you are aware, we travel to the upper part of South Carolina rather frequently to tend to some family responsibilities.  Since we are inclined to favor the more "scenic" routes rather than the Interstate Highway system we take the back roads from wonderful Ridgeway.  Our route takes us through the small town of Winnsboro and just on the outskirts of town there is a really funky little art store called "The Painted Picket."  It has some of the most unusual original artworks you have ever seen!!!  For example, right in front of the porch that leads to the entrance is an arch ... made of bicycles!!  The owner is a really cool young lady by the name of Christy Buchanan.  She has been an active and prolific artist for a number of years and has produced some really interesting works.  You owe it to yourself to drop by her studio if you're ever in the area.  I have to admit, when I first entered the "Painted Picket" I was a bit overwhelmed.  The variety and diverse media used in Christy's pieces are simply amazing and the impact of seeing the studio all at once was a bit daunting.  After taking a step back and beginning to analyze the pieces individually I gradually began to appreciate the fertile mind and remarkable talent that created these unusual and colorful artworks.  As time went on my appreciation grew and I am proud to say that we own several pieces of her work.  But ...  here's the deal ...  not only is Christy a fine artist, she also teaches architecture at Midlands Technical College in Columbia!!!!!!!!  Now, that alone is interesting enough but there's more.  On the other side of the Painted Picket studio is a strange structure rising from the ground.  When we first saw it we thought someone was simply playing with hay bales.  As we continued to pass by the location we began to understand that it was actually going to be a building of some kind.  Turns out it is another version of the "Earth House."  (Remember our visit to the 'Earth Ship' in Todos Santos??)  It is a project Christy is using to teach her students about ecologically friendly construction.  We're going to have a good visit there with a tour of the building conducted by Christy (if I can get the video working!!!!!!!)  So we won't spend too much time here today.  I also have a video of the Painted Picket art works that I want to show you too - but - I'm having some technical issues with the pesky video stuff.  We'll get it though - it might just take a little time.  In the meantime, we'll be working on all that stuff and at the same time, continuing our preparations for new and interesting trips.  Hang in there, we'll be back before long.  See ya.

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