Wednesday, February 29, 2012

From Salt Lake City To The Tip of Florida

Capital Complex - Salt Lake City
Well, it was a fantastic trip and it is hard to imagine all the ground we covered in a fairly short period of time.  The Rockies, The Grand Tetons, Arches, The Grand Canyon ... and on, and on ... This is stuff dreams are made of folks.  But while we're waiting for our flight to be called, let me mention a few things.  Some of you have wondered about our travels.  Yes, we are all retired.  No, we are not, by any stretch of the imagination, wealthy people.  We just save up for each trip and search as hard as we can for the best options possible.  And, believe me, we will jump on a 'deal' in a heartbeat!!!  We don't use extravagant facilities or locales and, fortunately for us, we find enormous pleasure in very ordinary things.  Our greatest treasures are the phenomenal beauty of the countryside as we travel through and the wonderful people we have gotten to know on our travels. Now - that's enough of that!!!!  We've got stuff to see!!  We are excited about taking you to a place we went a while back that is really in a category by itself.  It is the southernmost point in the continental U. S. - Key West, Florida.  It is a rollicking place with excitement every minute and one where "laid back" is the living standard.  I hope you will consider coming along with us as we go down to "Jimmy Buffet Land" for a few days.  I think you'll find it interesting.  This post will be followed shortly by the first of several posts from there.  I've got to close now - my traveling partners have created such a ruckus in the gate area they have collected a big crowd and they are all laughing and carrying on!!!  These gals!!!  See ya.

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