Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Look Out West

Utah State Capitol
While we were trying to decide where to head next - there are so many great choices - we realized that we took a trip a while back that
Mormon Temple
we didn't get to share with all of you.  Some of you did come along for parts of it so, if you did, bear with us.  But - we'll have some new
"Opalesque" Temple Window
twists and I think it will be fun.  It is a trip that took us all over the
Salt Lake City-County Center
Southwest and into some of the most incredible scenery imaginable.  We're going to take it slow - and - we'll probably interrupt ourselves occasionally when we get excited about something we want to show you that just can't wait.  Our starting point is in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah and I have an early disclaimer.  As attractive as the city is, when we arrived there was a lot of construction going on downtown so some of the views are a little obscured by pylons and stuff - sorry!  Salt Lake is an airy, open city with wide streets and beautiful buildings.  The epicenter of activity here is Temple Square which it is bordered by "Temple Streets" on three sides and State Street on the East.  Soaring high above State Street is The Eagle Gate, a startling and impressive monument.  This is the "third generation" of the gate that was built at the entrance to the property of Brigham Young, the LDS Church leader, founder of Salt Lake City and first Governor of the Utah Territory.  Although the design has remained similar, the current gate is much larger and constructed of steel and bronze whereas the original was made of wood.  Interestingly, the designer of the current version was George Young, grandson of Brigham Young.   Look at that eagle again - its wing span is twenty feet!!!  Another remarkable sight was the memorial to the Mormon soldiers who gave their lives in the Mexican War.  I have seen a lot of monuments to different events and different groups but this is one of the most elaborate and comprehensive I have
Mormon Tabernacle
ever seen.  It gives a chronology of events that will amaze you.  Aside from the enormous structures that make up the temple and the LDS Administrative Offices, one of the most recognizable features of the Temple Square complex - at least by name - is the Mormon Tabernacle.  This iconic
Pipe Organ - Mormon Tabernacle
  structure was built between 1864 and 1867 and has served many functions over the years.  The one most of us are familiar with is as the home for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  With relatively small modifications over the years the building has a reputation for being nearly "acoustically perfect."  Interestingly, the original design was developed by Brigham Young himself!!  We can attest to the acoustics of the building.  When we entered they were conducting "sound tests" by having a young choir member sing notes or words - unamplified.  The sound that reached us - several hundred feet away - was phenomenal!!!  And - speaking of visiting - here's the deal....  You can bet your bottom dollar there is one thing you can count on ...  the Mormons will overwhelm you with "nice!!!" 
Adam and Eve - Visitor's Center
They are extraordinarily gracious folks and they want you to hear the story of their church.  A visit of just about any length to the area is virtually guaranteed to bring at least five invitations to take one of the many tours available.  And - I don't care what your religious affiliation is - or is not - you will find the tours informative and enjoyable.  You won't encounter any "arm-twisting" tactics so, relax and take advantage of the opportunity. And, depending on what time of year you visit, the city is generally filled to overflowing with the most stunning flower beds, boxes and baskets you can imagine.  After a wonderful time exploring downtown Salt Lake City and the historic buildings of the Mormon Church we headed to our lodging for the evening.  We had purposely chosen a site well to the North end of the city because we wanted to hit the road early.  We were planning to reach Jackson Hole, Wyoming the next day and we weren't quite sure what to expect of the weather.  All around the city we could see snow on the mountains and we were curious about whether or not we would actually get into any.  Stick around and you'll see!!!!  Hint - put your warm stuff on!!!  See ya.

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