Friday, February 3, 2012

Art In Wild Places

Earlier we discussed the folklore of the lands around the Great Lakes. We could never even scratch the surface of the countless tales - about the fantastic characters that are so much a part of life in this mysterious area. We talked about Nanna Bijou – the Spirit of the Lake - and how he came to lie for all eternity in the waters near Thunder Bay. His presence in the events of earlier times, however, is also copiously recorded. Of course, a Great Spirit developing a series of the largest lakes in the world who has to occasionally take time away from his chores to add a mountain here and there or to diversify the landscapeby adding an occasional canyon really needs a little help. Nanna Bijou was no exception. So … he enlisted the aid of one of the local Giants - the personable “Omett.” Unfortunately, Omett met and fell in love with Nanna Bijou’s daughter, Naiomi and persuaded her to hang out with him around the construction site. Well, one day while he was busily rearranging the mountains, a large rock broke off and fell on Naiomi, killing her instantly. Panic stricken, Omett buried the lovely Naiomi at the bottom of a canyon and covered her body with a huge rock shield. Walking in the area, Nanna Bijou could feel a vibration rising from the ground and entering
Wolf Prints (?)
his feet. He grabbed a thunder bolt from the sky and split the rock shield, exposing the body of his daughter. In retribution, Nanna Bijou turned the hapless Omett into stone and placed him at the edge of the canyon where he is destined to watch over his lost love for the rest of eternity.  As we explored the area  around Thunder Bay  we experienced a definite drop in temperature and increasing snow flurries as we traveled.  The inclement weather gave us good excuses for dropping into some of the more colorfully painted trading centers and we were amazed at not only the pictures we saw but their sheer size!!  Take a look at this one building we really liked!! We talked to the owner about the paintings and they were done by a local artist.  The accuracy and beauty of these paintings is of the highest possible quality and the proportions, colors and features are perfect.  If you're ever in the area it's a cinch you're not going to miss this place but do take the time to stop and talk to the folks.  They are rightly proud of their place and only too happy to share it with you.  We are going to have to get moving on our schedule if we hope to get you all the way around the lake so we'll just hit a few highlights here and settle down a bit as we get closer to Terrace Bay.  Hang in there.

Roads get smaller as we proceed further North.

The frigid waters of Lake Superior and the surrounding, smaller lakes cause the daytime temperatures to continue dropping.                           

Finally, we begin seeing frozen surfaces on the smaller - and, soon, the larger ponds and lakes.

The last few days have been quite pensive for me.  There is a lot to think about these days - and - we still have a lot of traveling to do.  So ... I guess I'd better get my act together and get this show back on the road.  I hope you have stayed with us.  It is great to have you for company as we visit these interesting places.  It was at about this point in the trip that we were introduced to some wonderful little creatures that have remained with us wherever we travel...  Inukshuks!!  Come on back and we'll introduce you.  See ya.

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