Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ahhh.... Ridgeway!!! Rahm - Eat Your Heart Out!!

Well, it seemed that Illinois was reluctant to see us go!!!  As we re-entered the "Windy City" for our last night on the road, the bottom dropped out!!!!  The skies opened up and it felt like the entire contents of Lake Michigan (and all those other lakes we talked about) were being poured on the roadway.  And - it was "rush hour!!"  But - with two highly skilled navigator/co-pilots we made it safely back to the Best Western.  After an early meal at the restaurant next door we turned in so we would be ready for the early morning alarm.  Then, it was back to O'Hare for our flight and, before we knew it, we were back in Charlotte.  After that, it's all downhill to Wonderful Metropolitan Ridgeway!!!  As we promised, we added another map with the final legs displayed so we could show the entire trip.  We had great visits to five of our super states (Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Indiana) and to a wonderful Canadian Province (Ontario.)  I imagine there are some of you out there who are a bit skeptical about our reports of the wonderful people we meet at nearly every turn in the road.  Well, let me tell you - it is the honest-to-goodness truth folks.  I'm not sure if we look threatening (...uh .... NOT)... or helpless (... uh .. possible) ... or if it was simply that, knowing the realities of the world  - yet counting on the best things to happen, we made it possible for new wonders - and new friends - to appear each step of the way.  Whatever it was ...  we had a great time!!!  And - speaking of friends, here are some of the gang hanging out in the back yard waiting to welcome us home!!!  The whole deer heard (about 10-12 of them) showed up - and - Ol' K.C. (short for "Kitty Cat") gave us the 'cold shoulder' for the first hour or so and then said she "guessed it would be OK for us to come back for a while."   And - in case you were wondering what a Ridgeway sunset is like - lemme show ya!!  We've got some that are a lot better but won't spend the time searching for them right now.    We're back in good ol' South Carolina and lovin' it!!!  But, we're going to get on the road again very soon.  We've got a lot of traveling to do and we want you along with us.  First, though, we've been talking and we realized that we didn't take you along for our recent trip to the Cape Romain National Wildlife Reserve ... so ... we thought we ought to go back and look at some of the many marvelous things we saw there.  We'll kick that trip off when we crank up again tomorrow so - rest up, put your hiking shoes on, grab your camera and come along as we visit some of the barrier islands of South Carolina and take a look at some of the treasures that await us there.  See ya soon!!

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