Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hello from Mammoth Lake, CA

Hi Gang,

A stunningly great trip from Vegas To Mammoth Lake!!! We headed North on U.S. 95 and made our way to Yucca Mountain! (Sound familiar?) Then on to Death Valley, Furnace Creek and other arid points! We visited the lowest point in North America, saw temps of 113+ degrees and saw some of the most incredible sights you could imagine. Now we're resting up before dinner, surrounded by snow covered peaks and temps dropping to low 30s later on. We'll be back shortly with lots of pics and more info. Stay tuned ...

Talkin about a firecracker ..... Eat your heart out "Black Cat."

.... Yep, it's legal in Nevada!!! You should see the size of the interviewing team when they have the "help wanted" sign out!!

Yucca Mountain is, of course, where the US spent billions developing a nuclear storage site to replace our own Savannah River site but then halted work. The reason, hmmmmm ... Harry Reid, Area 51, The Cherry Patch??? Lots of possibilities.

Then on to that forbidding but, in reality, astonishingly beautiful (albeit a tad warm) place of legend, Death Valley.

.... It's getting warm out here, Lucy!!!! ......

... The lowest point in North America .... Badwater Basin.

..... Salt coats the basin - residue from the ancient inland sea. The water you see here can scald your skin if you step into it.

At Furnace Creek, home of the highest temperature ever recorded, we arrived to a balmy 113 degrees!!! Notwithstanding the heat that singed our skin we had a great lunch at the Furnace Creek Ranch.

Then on through a series of beautiful California villages (Panamint Springs, Lone Pines, Independence, Big Pines, Bishop) to our destination, Mammoth Lake).

More later. Now, we're loading up to head for beautiful Yosemite. Stay with us.

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

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