Thursday, June 30, 2011

Amazing Yosemite ...

Mammoth Lakes is a "ski village" even in the summertime. It has that hard-to-define quality that conveys the idea that folks are simply biding their time until the slopes are returned to their proper state - snow-covered. Waking up surrounded by mountains with heavy coatings of snow on their shaded, Eastern sides you start getting it .... Still, to compare this setting to the ones we were in such a short time ago kindles a kind of wonder that is nothing short of awe and leaves us anxious to see what miracles nature could conjure up to match those of yesterday. So, we hastily prepare to get back on the road, grab a quick bite of breakfast and head north to the pretty town of Lee Vining on the edge of Mono Lake National Forest. There we turn West and enter Yosemite National park. Quick note - if you are one of the "ancient ones" and haven't gotten a " National Parks Senior Pass" -DO IT!! It's worth its' weight in platinum!!

I'll try to get in as many Yosemite pics as I can ...

Right from the entrance gate the sights are awesome ...

...soaring peaks and rushing streams by the thousands ...

..... The magnificent "El Capitan" wathces over the floor of the valley ...

..... While from across the valley floor "Bridal Veil Falls" sends down her cooling spray only to see it scattered by the winds before it reaches earth in some months of the year ...

... And across the valley, mighty Yosemite Falls let's visitors know that the forces of nature are alive and powerful here in this enchanted site ...

... But they are only a few of the countless falls that send their life-giving moisture to this dynamic and incredible ecosystem ...

... Our visit took us to all corners of this magnificent treasure and although we hated to go, we were already looking forward to the next adventure. Leaving Yosemite we headed West to Fresno and then South toward Visalia. Along the way we traveled through the most awesome agricultural regions on earth. Passing mile after mile of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Peach, Cherry and Olive trees, grapes, corn, sorghum, peas and a zillion other crops we were again reminded of the bounty with which God has blessed our nation. Gradually turning East we headed for Three Rivers, CA and our home-away-from-home, The Sierra Lodge. Remind me to tell you about the decor in the lobby. (For now I'll just note that it included Sable Antelope, Wild Turkey, Greater Kudu, a collection of cigar bands from 1890's Alaska and much, much more.)

A fabulous place to have as our headquarters while we explore Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks.)

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

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