Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Epilogue #2

We all took a bunch of pictures on the trip as well as a good bit of video footage.  We have tried to put some of it together in a more compact format so that viewers won't have to wade through pages of pictures.  This post will include only one for now.  (We'll come back and add some of the other good photos we got later.)  This compilation is of pictures taken as we drove into, through and out of Death Valley.  Another video was added showing our trip into the Forest of Giants and our visit to General Sherman, the world's largest tree.

If you visited this page previously and looked at the videos you might notice a change in the copies that are here now.  If you visited before and were unable to see the videos - that might have been because of their size.  I found that I could see them fine with my desktop but I had trouble getting them with the iPad.  Sooooooo ... we went back and re-did them in hopes that they would come out so everyone could see them.  I hope you can but if you can't, feel free to leave a comment and tell us.  We'll do something!!

Oh, .... don't forget to turn on your speakers.  The sound track is from the CD "Desert Spirit".

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